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The Importance of Free Time for Children – An Invitation for Reflection
Imagine this: you’ve worked hard all day. You’ve done drop-offs and pick-ups. You’ve made sure everyone was fed, bathed, and tucked into bed. The kitchen is clean, and you finally have time to yourself. What is it that you do to reset your mind and body, preparing yourself to do it all again tomorrow?

Giving Them Both Roots and Wings – Navigating School Drop Off
Maria Montessori says that in the first plane of development (from 0-6 years old) is when children develop biological independence. Progressively, the little baby who was entirely dependent on you for nutrition, language, movement and regulation, begins to find their hands, voice, legs, and sense of self.

Tell me, quickly! What is Montessori?
We follow the teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952). She was a medical doctor, a teacher, a philosopher, and an anthropologist.

Freedom Within Limits in Montessori Education
There are a number of common misconceptions about Montessori education. One is that Montessori education is too structured and controlled. Another is that children are allowed to do whatever they want.