
Casa Program Fees

The Nelephant Casa Program is a peaceful working environment that prepares our 3 to 6 year old children for life-long learning. What occurs in this classroom is the formation of the character of each human being within. The children here come away with confidence, self-assuredness, kindness, respect for others and the joy of learning.

Fee Schedule

Tuition for the Casa Program for Academic Year September 2024 – June 2025

Nelephant Montessori School has joined the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) agreement between the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada. Our tuition rates are set in conjunction with the Niagara Region under the guidelines of the CWELCC agreement and are subject to government funding.

Casa Regular Program

Half-Day (8:30am–11:30am) // Full-Day (8:30am–4:00pm)

Description Half-Day Full-Day Payment Date

Enrolment Fee


Paid by E-transfer
Due upon enrolment (full amount will be applied towards June tuition)

Meeting Fee
(will be refunded after attendance at the Annual General Meeting)


Pre-Authorized Payment
Due with first month’s tuition

Monthly Tuition
(10 withdrawals)


Pre-Authorized Payment
Sept. 1 – June 1

Casa Program with Before Care

Half-Day (8:00am–11:30am) // Full-Day (8:00am–4:00pm)

Description Half-Day Full-Day Payment Date

Enrolment Fee


Paid by E-transfer
Due upon enrolment (full amount will be applied towards June tuition)

Meeting Fee
(will be refunded after attendance at 2 General Meetings)


Pre-Authorized Payment
Due with first month’s tuition

Monthly Tuition
(10 withdrawals)


Pre-Authorized Payment
Sept. 1 – June 1

Extended Care Program

Nelephant offers an extended care program from 8:00am to 8:30am (Before Care), and 4:00pm to 5:00pm (Aftercare).

*Please note that this program is offered on a first come/first serve basis. A maximum of 8 students can be accommodated in each.

We ask that you only request use of this program if it is absolutely required for your family as spaces are so limited. Spaces will be given out on a first come, first served basis to those who require them.

*If you arrive after 5pm, there is a $10 late fee for the first 5 minutes which will increase to $1 for every minute thereafter. You will receive an invoice for this at the end of the month to pay by e-transfer.

* Unpaid late fees will be withdrawn with your tuition after 2 months.